Thermography Infrared Inspection Services

What is a Thermography Inspection?

A thermography inspection is the use of an infrared camera to detect areas in a home that have high rates of energy consumption. The camera exposes areas of air, water, and bug infiltration by measuring surface temperature variances with a special lens (infrared).

Cooler spots might signal moisture, while warmer areas could indicate heat escaping through unnoticed gaps. As a predictive maintenance technology, the camera assists in diagnosing existing problems, and exposing areas that may need attention in the future.

Ensuring Your Home is Energy-Efficient

hand holding a thermal camera showing the screen
Thermography Inspection
inspector using a thermography tool to assess the integrity of a log home

Why Thermography is a Log Home's Best Friend

Ever wondered what secrets your log home is hiding beneath its charming exterior? Enter thermography inspections, a superhero tool that sees what your eyes can't. Using the latest infrared technology, these inspections reveal hidden issues lurking within your logs, helping you nip potential costly repairs in the bud. Let's dive into why thermography isn't just smart—it's essential for maintaining your log home's timeless allure.

As electricity rates and fossil fuel costs rise, there is growing concern about energy efficiency. It is a good time to be concerned about your home’s performance, because of various government incentives to weatherize your home. Infrared camera technology has been around for some time, but not until recently has the technology become cost-effective for the average homeowner to take advantage of their services. Infrared cameras are no longer reserved just for the military and large power companies. The camera allows us to see what the naked eye can not see and potentially save hundreds of dollars per year in energy costs.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heating (and cooling) accounts for the biggest portion of the average homeowner’s utility bill (almost 50%)*

*Source: 2007 Buildings Energy Data Book, Table 4.2.1, 2005 energy data cost.

Thermography Inspection Report and Estimate

For a small investment, you will receive a comprehensive Thermography Inspection report. The report will consist of:

  • Infrared images and photos of problem areas, or potential problem areas.
  • Diagnosis of the problem and suggested solutions.
  • Estimate for Log Building Maintenance and Restoration to conduct the repairs.

In addition, after Log Building Maintenance and Restoration repairs the problem areas, you will receive infrared images of the fixed areas to compare

The Critical Role of Thermography Inspections

Why should every log homeowner make thermography inspections a routine checkup? Because wood and moisture are age-old foes, insulation needs can shift as subtly as the breeze. Here's why catching these issues early is a game-changer:

  • Moisture Detection: Thermography spots moisture Before you see or smell it. This early warning helps prevent rot and mold, saving your sanctuary from structural woes.
  • Insulation Checks: Are you paying more for heating than you should? Thermal imaging can spot where your home is losing heat and guide you on where to beef up insulation to save money and stay cozy.
  • Log Home Integrity: Thermography can spot stress points in your logs before they become a real headache, from potential pest invasions to heat loss through fine cracks.
thermography description

How to Prep for a Thermography Inspection

Getting your log home ready for thermography is straightforward. Clear the decks around your exterior walls—yes, move that lovely vintage bench and the potted plants. Ensure your home is temperature stable; just go about your daily routine, as the inspection needs the house lived in to get accurate readings. When the inspector comes, tag along. Their insights during the walk-through are as golden as the autumn leaves in your yard.

Interpreting Thermography Inspection Results

Once the inspection is done, you'll get a report loaded with colorful images and critical data. Red and orange highlight areas where your home is losing heat, while blues might point to unwelcome moisture. These aren't just pretty pictures but a blueprint for your next move. Does one area look like a winter morning (blue and chilly)? That's your cue to fix that insulation before the snow sets in.

FLIR Infrared Cameras & Training

FLIR is a world renowned industry leader in infrared camera technology. Their top of the line equipment coupled with their comprehensive training and certification programs make them a natural choice for Log Building Maintenance and Restoration to partner with. You can rest assured that your home inspector will be trained in the science of infrared thermography, thus resulting in a high degree of accuracy in your inspection.

Common Questions About Thermography Inspections for Log Homes

Is thermal imaging worth it for a log home inspection?

Absolutely! Considering the unique challenges of maintaining a log home, thermal imaging is a valuable tool. It provides a non-invasive way to identify potential issues early on, such as heat loss, moisture intrusion, and insulation flaws. This early detection can save you significant repair costs and maintain your home's structural integrity and beauty. It's a small investment in the routine care of your property that offers significant returns in peace of mind and prevents future headaches.

What does thermal imaging detect in a house?

Thermal imaging can reveal various issues that are often invisible to the naked eye. In a house, it's particularly good at detecting:

  • Areas of heat loss or gain due to inadequate insulation or poor window and door seals.
  • Moisture accumulation that could lead to mold or structural damage.
  • Electrical hotspots that may indicate potential fire hazards.
  • HVAC issues, such as leaks in ductwork or the inefficiency of heating and cooling systems. These insights help homeowners address problems before they escalate into costly repairs.

Does thermal imaging detect mold?

Thermal imaging does not detect mold directly; however, it detects moisture areas where mold is likely to grow. By identifying these damp areas, thermal imaging allows you to tackle the moisture problem before it becomes a mold issue.

How accurate is thermography?

Thermography is highly accurate when conducted under the right conditions and interpreted by trained professionals. The accuracy can depend on several factors, including the quality of the equipment used and the environmental conditions at the time of inspection. For the best results, ensure that your home is prepared as recommended (like maintaining a stable temperature), and choose a skilled thermographer with experience with log homes and the latest thermal imaging technology.

Can you see termites with thermal imaging?

While thermal imaging cameras don't see termites directly, they can detect irregular heat patterns caused by termite activity. Termites often create moisture in the wood, which can be cooler than the surrounding area, or their nests can generate heat detected by the camera. If suspicious patterns are found, it's an excellent prompt to investigate further for termites or other pests, potentially saving your log home from more severe damage.

Why Choose Log Building Maintenance & Restoration for Your Thermography Inspections?

When it comes to ensuring the health and longevity of your log home, selecting the right company for your thermography inspection is paramount. Here are some key advantages of choosing Log Building Maintenance & Restoration:

  • Specialized Expertise in Log Homes: We have a deep understanding of log home construction and the unique challenges they present. Our inspectors are specifically trained to handle the nuances of log home inspections.
  • Advanced Technology: We use state-of-the-art thermal imaging cameras to provide the most accurate readings possible. This technology allows us to detect issues that are invisible to the naked eye, ensuring nothing is missed.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Our thermography reports are detailed and easy to understand, offering images, actionable insights, and recommendations. This means you don't just get data; you get solutions.
  • Preventative Maintenance Focus: We believe in proactive care to prevent minor issues from becoming major expenses. Our inspections are designed to save you money in the long run by catching potential problems early.
  • Personalized Service: Every home is unique, and so is our approach. We tailor each inspection to the specific needs of your property, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all potential issues.
  • Customer Satisfaction Guarantee: We stand by the quality of our work and are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with every inspection.
  • Reputation and Reliability: With years of experience and a track record of reliability, you can trust us to maintain the integrity and beauty of your log home.

Using Thermography to Keep Your Log Home in Prime Condition

Thermography isn't just about fixing problems—it's about prevention. Regular checks can be the ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure, ensuring your log home stays healthy and energy-efficient. How often should you schedule? At least every two years, or more frequently, if you're in a harsh climate or notice issues.

Ready to see what your log home is really up to? Call us at Log Building Maintenance & Restoration at 800-284-6520 or visit our contact page. Schedule your thermography inspection today to ensure your log home stays as steadfast as the day you fell in love with it.